For the last few months, I've really been thinking about my goals. I'm trying to figure out exactly what I want and how I'm going to get it.
I recently finished a great little book, This Year I Will... by M.J. Ryan. It's short and very easy to read. It's sort of a motivational book to help you first figure out what your goals are and then find the best strategies to accomplish them.
That lead me to The Success Principles by Jack Canfield. I think Alyson Stanfield mentioned it on her blog and I happened to see it in the library and grabbed it... And it's rocking my world. It's basically the same kind of book, but much longer and much more detailed.
And then, at the same time, I reconnected with Trayc Claybrook, who had recently seen The Secret, which features Jack Canfield... She also mentioned Creative Visualization by Shakti Gawain, which I had read or listened to on tape a gazillion years ago...
None of this stuff is new, and much of it is common sense and so simple, but it's amazing how easy it is to get trapped in bad habits and negative thoughts. I took a bunch of classes through Landmark a few years ago (which were awesome), but I felt like I'd sort of slipped back into my old ways of thinking. All these books have helped me get re-focused.
OK, so all that to say that I've refined and re-energized my goals. I had been working on a 5-year plan - I would work for the security and benefits but continue to create and market my artwork in my spare time. Eventually, in a few years, I would be making enough money as an artist that I could quit the day job when the time was right.
But after reading and doing this work, I've realized that the time will never be right. I've just got to do it. But it's very scary. If it were just me, I don't think I'd be as scared, but I have a little human depending on me, so that makes a huge difference.
I have a short-term goal to move my studio to the town that I'm in (the studio is currently about 15 minutes away in another town). I'm looking for space now. This will allow me to be there more often and expand my workshops and classes. And maybe even have a gallery and shop.
I'm very excited about my plans (and scared). I'm trusting that I'll figure it out along the way.
Best wishes for much success in achieving your goals!
Another great book that helped me to focus my thoughts in the right direction is "The Path of Least Resistance" by Robert Fritz.
What a great post for me to read today! I'm also making this year my Art a major focus and have goals and visualizing big thing to happen. I stradle the artist/parent roles too. Thanks for sharing this cool thing to visual being in a major gallery! Have you done your Treasure Mapping too? Here's The Secret again for you to check out whenever you want a reminder of the 'laws of attraction'! You are a success!!!
good luck with everything--i, too, read "the success principles", having found it on a library shelf about a year ago. i have since bought it and have been doing the exercises--it's been awesome so far. a friend gave me a copy of "the secret" several months ago and that's just seconding everything i already believe but it's great to have it confirmed, yes? i think anything that helps us move forward within our integrity is a good thing. good luck! i love the visualization of your work in a museum!
Loved this post. I think a lot of us are on that path. Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change.... I too am moving forward with a positive attitude and vision. So far things are heading along nicely. I wonder, is this because this is the "right" direction for me? Wouldn't it be more of a struggle if it weren't???? Again, great, enjoyable post, and a nice list of reading material on the subject.
Keep us posted! I am definitely going to pick up that Jack Canfield book. I know from my own experience that having sincere believing faith without doubting is essential to something getting done. Please continue to keep us posted on your exciting (but scarey) journey. You will succeed... I just know it!
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