I joined a
Bee Team project called the Summer Object Challenge. Those who signed up were paired with a partner who sent them an object to use in an encaustic piece.
Melissa Hronkin sent me a lovely little red doily and some contact sheets from someone's wedding photos, probably from the 50's. This is what I was inspired to create:
To Have, To Hold
collage, foil transfer, and encaustic
12" x 12"

I couldn't bring myself to mess up the contact sheets, so I made copies and glued them to the board. Then I covered the board with clear medium and embedded the doily in the wax. Then I used some gold embossing foil (that a student gave me) - writing on it to transfer the foil to the wax.

detail of the doily

Oh, and there's me!
Hi, I really like your blog and hope that this interests you and your readers.
I am attempting to amass a large collection of portraits of Frankenstein's Monster in as many different styles and in as many different media as possible as an ongoing art project. The only stipulation is that the size is 2.5 inches by 3.5 inches (standard artist trading card size) and that each card has name, date, location, title and anything else you care to add on the back.
I welcome cards from both amateur and professional artists.
I will be leaving blank cards with instructions and mailing address in galleries, colleges, art shops, on buses, handing them out in the street and wherever else I can think of.
If you think you can spare the time to produce a little something, I currently have no encaustic work in the gallery, please send a portrait to:
A Patchwork Of Flesh
45 Silversea Drive
Westcliff on Sea
United Kingdom
Each card I receive will be uploaded at http://apatchworkofflesh.blogspot.com/ to produce an on-line gallery, I then hope to put on an exhibition of these cards in a gallery.
If you could add me as a link or give the project a mention I would be really grateful.
I like the heart shape of the red doily. Beautiful work!
you've been nominated for a Kreativ Blogger Award. Go here: http://miraslist.blogspot.com/2009/08/kreativ-blogger-award-nomination.html to see what to do. Best wishes from a fan,
Mira from Mira's List.
Very cool work, Deanna! Fascinating stuff.
Wow! That's beautiful. Where can I find more of your pictures? I do a lot of mixed media myself and really enjoy finding other people I like!
Check out my site if you ever get a chance, I'd love to hear what you think (artist to artist) www.nikkiyeager.com.
Thanks so much! Beautiful work!
Thanks, Nikki!
You can see more of my work on my website: http://deannawood.com
You are lovely. Your paintings are but an extention of you. Im so glad to have wandered to your site. Will keep comming back for more. I am a painted too and agree with you on your views on design.
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