I attended the conference the first and second years, but was not able to make it last year. So I'm very excited to attend this year!
I'll be staying in the new dorms on campus this time. It'll be nice to be close enough to walk.
I'm excited to reconnect with other artists that I have met at the conference, and to make new connections.
Today I went to my studio to pick something out to take with me for the "Best Foot Forward" hallway show. They're encouraging all of the attendees to bring a piece that is 12" x 12" or less to hang in the hallway gallery. It'll be fun to see work by so many artists. This is the piece that I chose to take:

Shadows, colored pencil, gouache, collage, and encaustic, 12" x 12"
I will have a piece in the Wax Libris II show that will be on exhibit in the library. It's a show of artists's books that incorporate wax in some way. This is my book:
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