I'm feeling reflective this Thanksgiving - I know I complain about a lot of things, but I know that I'm very lucky and I'm thankful for:
Sam - he makes me laugh every day and makes me realize what's important.
Family - I know they would do anything for me.
Friends - who have supported me and encouraged me and listened to me and laughed at my stupid jokes.
Health - something we all take for granted.
Art - it's allowed me to meet so many talented and creative and nice people.
I'm counting my blessings. I hope you have a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving!
I enjoyed reading your list of things you are thankful for. Looking at the list makes me think that I, indeed, take too much for granted. Tis the season to be reflective isn't it... and also for me to start thinking of some art goals for this up and coming new year.
Your list of things for which to be grateful is much like mine. (Replace the name "Sam" for "Tom")
I am just beginning to venture into the world of blogs as an artist. (You can see my fledgling blog at http://JeanneGuerin-Daley.blogspot.com)
Thanks for your helpful tips on packing and (ugh)taxes!
You are inspiring to me. Thank you! and a thank you to Alyson Stanfield, for putting your link on her blog: http://artbizblog.com, which is how I found you!
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